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Interesting things that takes place in the Cosmos.

Although we enjoy our life here on earth, there are pretty interesting and weird things that happens throughout the space. So, following are the list of some interesting things that takes place in the cosmos :-

1. Decrease in the force of attraction as the distance increase.

Law of gravitation

It is a very basic phenomena which was discovered by Newton as his "Law of universal gravitation". As per Newton's law of gravitation, the force of attraction(gravity) decreases as the distance between two gravitational bodies increases. This is a universal phenomena which can be seen throughout the space. As per Newton, all the objects attract each other through a certain force called as gravitational force. "fg=gm1m2/r2" is the equation which was discovered by newton as the law of universal gravitation.

2. Mass of the object increases with the increase in speed.

Theory of relativity

E = mc2 is the most famous equation made by Albert Einstein, this equation is a part of the famous "Theory of special Relativity". Basically it means the faster you go the more your mass increases. As per this equation it'll be impossible for any object( which have a mass) to move with the speed of light. Since any object's mass will increase as the speed of that object increases, thus it is impossible to move by the speed of light as we haven't found any object which have zero mass. This is also a universal phenomena which happens all across the cosmos. This phenomenon can be understood by taking a bullet as an example, as a bullet without speed is harmless to us, when it's speed increases resulting in the increase in its mass, it becomes deadly.

3. The distance decrease as the speed increases.

It is a phenomena which was discovered by Hendrick Lorentz and further corrected by George Francis FitzGerald. Although this phenomena seems very basic and simple, it isn't. This phenomena can also be named as space/length contraction. This phenomena does takes place in slower objects but its effects on an object moving with normal speed is so negligible that it gets ignored or unnoticed. As for an object which is moving with a higher speed(electron motion), the effects becomes significant. This phenomena basically suggests that any object which was measured "x" when it was idle, will be measured shorter than its original length when it is moving close to the speed of light.

4. Time passes differently in different areas of the cosmos.

Time dialation

In simple terms, time is relative. Earlier it was believed that time passes equally no matter where you go but this theory was debunked by the "Theory of Relativity" discovered by Albert Einstein. According to the theory of relativity, time gets bent due to gravity. It means, time moves faster where there is less gravity and slower where there is high gravity. This Theory of Relativity also provides a possible way/idea for time travel. Although going to the future is not possible yet, there is possibility for us to travel to the future. All we have to do to travel to the future is to move to a place where there is a higher gravity than earth and then return after certain time. As we do that, we will see more time have passed on earth than that of the place where the gravity was greater, thus it will be a possible time travel to the future.


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